Article archive
Obama Takes On Conservatism1
26/07/2010 19:51
Now, there have always been those who’ve said no to such protections; no to such investments. There were accusations that Social Security would lead to socialism, and that Medicare was a government takeover. There were bankers who claimed the creation of federal deposit insurance...
Obama Takes On Conservatism
26/07/2010 19:50
There has been a fascinating sea-change in President Obama's rhetoric over the last year. He ran for office, and began his presidency, making his case in largely non-ideological terms, as a defense of pragmatism and against ideology. As Republicans have met him with a stone wall of...
Conservatives Ignore Their One Proven Success
26/07/2010 19:50
In 1990, President George H. W. Bush, faced with an enormous budget deficit, made a deal with Congressional Democrats. He would sign on to a small, hike in the top marginal tax rate, from 28% to 31%, in return for which they would agree to a large package of spending cuts. The deal squeezed...
Sestak-gate Surrender
26/07/2010 19:50
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) who has spearheaded the charge for an investigation into White House actions, said the revelation has "irrevocably shattered" the Obama brand.
"Clearly Joe Sestak and Andrew Romanoff aren't isolated incidents and are indicative of a culture that embraces the...
Good Health Care for Less Money? Yup, Still Possible.1
26/07/2010 19:49
I've long admired Abelson and Harris' work. They are right to highlight some of the ambiguities in the Dartmouth research--and the extent to which its more evangelical promoters gloss over them. But the fundamental argument of reform is not, as Abelson and Harris suggest, that cheaper care...
Good Health Care for Less Money? Yup, Still Possible.
26/07/2010 19:49
Advocates for health care reform (including yours truly) have frequently argued that it is possible to reduce the amount of care without reducing the quality--or, to put it more simply, that less care doesn't have to equal worse care.
A story in today's New York Times may leave readers...
Why Home Star Is A Big Deal
26/07/2010 19:48
Hey, look: Congress made headway on some below-the-radar energy stuff that's actually pretty important. Yesterday, the House passed the Home Star Retrofit Act, and the Senate should be taking it up soon. Twelve House Republicans even voted for the thing. This is the bill that got dubbed...
Oil Spill Not Changing Many Minds In Congress
26/07/2010 19:48
So is the Gulf spill actually changing anyone's mind about offshore drilling? It depends where you're looking. In Florida, sure, it is. A handful of conservative state legislators have recently been rethinking their pro-drilling stance. Charlie Crist, who's running for the U.S. Senate, is...
Poll: Climate/Energy Bill Actually Quite Popular
26/07/2010 19:47
As noted below, the BP oil spill doesn't seem to be causing many members of Congress to change their minds about drilling, or fossil fuels, or much of anything. The conventional wisdom in D.C. still holds that a climate/clean energy bill is political dicey and will be impossible to pass this...
Did Obama Ignore The Mess At MMS?
26/07/2010 19:46
Yesterday, Paul Krugman wrote that "President Obama isn’t completely innocent of blame in the current [Gulf oil] spill." He pointed out that the president took too long to appoint a new director of the Minerals Management Service, which oversees offshore drilling and had a dismal record...
Items: 1 - 10 of 48